Advanced Training
Advanced Training
We specialise in advanced training and have gained an excellent reputation which has attracted riders from all over the UK and Europe.
Pass Plus
Pass Plus
Congratulations on passing your test. Your training to date is focused on a standard necessary to pass your DSA test. From here on the focus changes.
Back To Biking
Back To Biking
Back to biking, or just wishing to increase your confidence we can tailor a course to meet your needs.
Training towards a Rospa / IAM riding qualification
Training towards a Rospa / IAM riding qualification
After an advanced qualification or coming up for a retest. With many of our instructors being examiners we are in a position of authority to help you.




Thank you for organising the day for me and sending the report over, it is much appreciated and very helpful. From my point of view I had a great day. Ian was brilliant, really approachable, he made me feel very relaxed right from the start. That helped a lot because I rode my first ride honestly, warts and all… We all know there is no point not giving an honest impression of what you do but I felt Ian gave me the confidence to actually do that which set the tone of the day and helped immensely. From there we worked on several areas as you can tell from his report and in each of these he helped me to understand what he was trying to get me to achieve not just by telling me what to do but getting me to understand why we were doing it, which I feel sticks with you longer than just being told to do something differently. For instance, walking the vanishing point helped me to really get it, I have seen it enough times on youtube but actually doing it with someone is a different league. Lots of little pointers like that throughout the day, really really helpful.Following Ian and listening to what he was constantly looking at and thinking about was an eye opener, again, you can’t really get this stuff until you do it in real life. I learned a lot and feel Ian has given me some invaluable advice and solid base to build from. I slept like a log that night.
James – July 2024

It was a great day, thoroughly enjoyed it. Nick was very friendly, professional and knowledgeable. Good feedback and ran an excellent commentary session. These events are always useful and I came away having learnt something.
Graham – May 2024

Had a great time yesterday with Nick Brown and cannot thank you enough for your assistance in arranging the day for him.
Andrew – May 2024

This is just to let you know that I really enjoyed today’s ride with Ian Burchell. He gave me a lot of things to think about and to take away. We also got our comms systems paired so I was able to see what a live commentary looks like and practice it for myself, which was really useful (it’s the first time I’ve done this).
Vincent – April 2024

Andy, just a big thanks for Saturday (10 out of 10) for which I will be continuing to use the valuable training that you give.
Darryl – November 2023

I met Chris Layley a little early on the Sunday morning and found him to be be very approachable and friendly. From the start he was very professional and that continued throughout the day. He focused on the positive aspects and gave subtle guidance on improvements without overwhelming me. Really encouraging the whole day pushing me on unfamiliar roads to improve. Learnt so much in such a short amount of time. I didn’t realise until lunch that I was being assessed so closely but was presently surprised with his report. Look forward to improving my skills riding and encouraging others to improve their skill set. Thank you Chris and for the the opportunity given by you all at Total Advanced & Firebike.
Matt – September 2023

Pleasantly surprised with the assessment, spent most of yesterday practicing and that assessment will spur me on. Great day with Andy liked his tutorial manner.
Tim – September 2023

A delightful and insightful session today with Chris Layley. Learned a lot, especially about positioning and speed control using my gearing more effectively. Thank you very much for pairing me up with such a knowledgeable instructor.
Ben – September 2023

Thank you for the feedback, I really enjoyed the day and felt I learned a lot from Nick’s style of tuition
John – September 2023

Many thanks for this. Nick is a credit to your business and a really great instructor.
Rob – August 2023

Thanks Mick, had a great day out… Andy was fantastic from start to finish.
Ben – August 2023

Blew away a lot of cobwebs yesterday and pointed out a few of the bad habits that I’ve been practicing. I had a 25 year break from biking and this course was definitely the way to go. Nicks delivery and teaching was fantastic, and focused on my main areas of concern so please pass on my thanks.
Rob – August 2023

Thanks Mick, had a great day out… Andy was fantastic from start to finish.
Ben – August 2023

Great feedback, and good to see that Chris thought that I had improved my riding during the day. I did feel more confident with my riding when we finished the day and felt able to put into practice the skills and techniques that Chris had discussed.
I thought that Chris was absolutely excellent – clearly a skilled rider, and keen to pass on the benefit of his experience and expertise. Also helped that he is a decent bloke! I thoroughly enjoyed the day and my time with him.
Thanks again.
Ian – August 2023

Thanks for the detailed feedback that’s really useful. Really enjoyed the day, Andy was great and has given me some great pointers and already I can feel a difference with my riding.
Dan – August 2023

Excellent day with Nick fulfilling my expectations. Thanks again.
Richard – August 2023

It was a fun and informative day and I definitely feel like my skills have improved.
Clare – June 2023

Thanks Nick and Mick. It was a cracking day, looking forward to the next session….
Mark – February 2023

Thanks for a great day out on the bike, how to improve your riding whilst having fun. Worth every penny. Highly recommended.
Tony – February 2023

I had an absolutely fantastic day out with Nick. I can’t believe the difference I saw in myself from the start of the day to the end, more confident going through bends, being able to read the road & adjust speed accordingly rather than panicking. The balance of being pushed to improve but not completely out of my comfort zone was very well delivered.
Joanne – October 2022

Excellent day of instruction with Nick, highly recommend to anyone wanting to unlock more of their riding potential. Thanks Total Advanced Training.
Matt – October 2022

Another outstanding day with Nick. A good mix of riding environments with comprehensive briefings/debriefing. Nick’s on-road commentary is excellent. Perfectly pitched to match riding environment, road conditions and rider. I really enjoy his company and superb training. We’re planning another in the Spring ‘23.
Jerry – Sept 2022

Thanks For the email, I’m very pleased with that report and will do my best to continue to ride at this standard. Thanks for your training mick it is brilliant. Thanks to nick as well.
Tony – Sept 2022

Thank you for an enjoyable day. It did help me to regain some confidence and I shall build on this with your advice taken into account. I particularly found the commentary section where you led to be really informative as the information previously given seemed to click into place.
Linda – August 2022

I had an excellent day thank you, evidenced by the absolute physical and mental exhaustion by the end of it! Nick is a superb coach. Over many years receiving various instruction in advanced driving I have always made it a point of searching out the best coaches in their field. By virtue of their operational experience and training these coaches were invariably ex-police trained instructors. However being an outstanding driver/rider does not automatically make you a great coach – that breed is rarer to find. Nick is firmly in that camp, with the ability to quickly identify areas of improvement and communicate improvements in an understandable manner without it being overwhelming.  I felt pushed to the limits of my comfort zone throughout the day but at all times without pressure. Lastly but probably the most important point, all delivered with good humour, with the day’s coaching feeling like an enjoyable day out riding with a good friend. I look forward to my next session with Nick after I have consolidated a few more miles.
Kieran – July 2022

Thanks very much for organising Nick at the weekend. Lots of people commented on what a top bloke he was and he made our demo rides really successful. Please thank him from me and pass on my best regards.
Lings Triumph – June 2022

I had a great day out, constructive critique and feedback and came away with things to improve and think about. Good company too. I forgot to say Nick gave a running commentary yesterday that was the most comprehensive and complete I have ever had. With everything observed/planned for AND verbalised.
Tim – April 2022

Nick has a great ability to inspire confidence, but with a nice relaxed approach to coaching. No question was too trivial for Nick to give a detailed answer to, and I would say Nick’s approach would be beneficial to anyone from a novice up to the most experienced rider looking for advanced tuition. Most importantly, Nick’s amount of verbal input through the intercom was just right, pre-emptive when needed, but also he allowed periods of reflection so I could put into practise what he had taught without feeling the need to intervene all the time. My profile is a back to biker, mid 50’s, with 25yrs away from riding. Today has made me feel much more confident about my upcoming two wheeled arrival! I shall be back in a couple of months for some more advanced instruction from Nick.
Adam – April 2022

I had a brilliant day with Nick. Will be back after some practicing what I’ve learnt so far.
Jerry – March 2022

A very good report although I always tend to feel my input at times was not as good as the report states.   It was exactly what I wanted being out of my comfort zones and to focus on my personal improvements to deliver a high level of training to make riders safe out there. Nick is a great instructor with an excellent demeanour that instantly relaxes students.   Please pass on my thanks for the report and a great days training and good company.
Mick – March 2022

Mick, thank you so much for today, we both had a great time. Your knowledge and advice was really appreciated and something that we will put into place when out riding next.
Lin – October 2021

Thank you very much. I had a fabulous day. Nick is really encouraging & I learnt huge amounts although all that extra concentrating is exhausting.
Viv – October 2021

An excellent day for me. Nick’s commentary was exactly what I needed to rebuild my muscle memory and confidence. I can’t believe how far we went. I couldn’t be happier.
Kevin – October 2021

Thanks Mick, really appreciate this, it was an incredibly valuable day and the skills that you taught and tips that you shared have helped me massively. I was out yesterday with my youngest son on pillion and genuinely felt that his safety (and mine!) were significantly increased as a result of your training. My work in business is wonderfully varied but the part that I enjoy the most is when I can be in a room with the world’s leading experts in a particular niche area of a specific disease and hear them talk openly about their knowledge and experience. To them it all seems obvious and mundane, and they sometimes can’t grasp why we are so interested to hear from them, but their insights are invaluable and we will spend weeks digesting, writing up, analysing and re-applying what they have shared. My time with you on Saturday felt exactly like that. Your million+ miles of riding and analysing and observing have given you a depth of understanding and innate ability that might now seem like the grind of daily routine to you but is lifesaving to those you are sharing it with.
Ben – September 2021

Simon was a top man who gave me feed back in little parcels so that I had something to think about at each phase. I really enjoyed the day.
Adrian – September 2021

I have just completed a day’s training (refresher for my m/c skills) with the TA Team today. It’s a thoroughly well structured and Tailor made experience with highly qualified tutors that provide supportive and well considered corrective advice. I have been so impressed with all the communication and contact, great pre-course discussion, advice and reading materials. The team are all experts with many years’ Police riding experience. A though roughly great experience. Thank you TAT.
Toby – Sept 2021

I am writing to express my gratitude for the riding tuition you provided both on the two half days and in your written comments which followed.  I thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience and feel that I have gained some information, and insights which will help me develop into being a better/safer rider. I acknowledge also, the equipment recommendations and various literature which I am seriously considering.
Russell – July 2021

Mick, thanks for a great day out, as always. No matter how many years we’ve ridden together, I always come away feeling I’ve learned so much from you!
Nigel – June 2021

Thanks Mick, great day yesterday and learn loads ( re-remembering really!)
I massively appreciate these days at the start of the biking season, thank you again.
Roger – May 2021

Thanks for a great day with the weather being fantastic.
Mark – April 2021

Got to say it was an absolutely brilliant riding day, good to see you at the break.
I wasn’t kidding what I said about Nick, He is is a great asset to your company a true professional his rider commentary was mind blowing his advice fantastic debrief super constructive and all with great humour.
I really enjoyed the day and I thank you both.
Drew – April 2021

I did indeed have a good day. Grateful to you guys and very pleased with the coaching and feedback.
Adrian – April 2021

Dave and I had a great day and Nick was excellent, I felt so much more confident after the day. I’d be grateful if you could pass on my thanks to him.
Barry – Oct 2020

I learnt so much from following you and listening to your commentary. Once I’d got my vest, gloves and heated grips all going and got off the A12 and my teeth had stopped chattering, I started to relax and my brain went from survival mode to ‘let’s put this in to practise’, and I found myself doing my own commentary as a way of recognising the potential hazards and how to deal with them. I had a much more confident ride back than I did in the morning, and although it was very wet at times I felt I was better equipped mentally to handle it, so for me it was very definitely worth a day out in the rain.
Jo – Oct 2020

I did a 121 full day riding course with Nick Brown. It was an intensive training day where we rode about 150 miles. It started with an assessment ride followed by a commentated demonstration ride by Nick, a ride where I was in front with Nick’s commentaries in my ears whenever necessary, followed by lunch, then followed by two more rounds of commentated ride plus me in front. Nick is an amazing instructor. Super energetic and encouraging. I had a thousand questions I wanted to ask him, and he loved answering questions. Gave me precise answers. Also gave me feedback on what I was doing and how I can improve my riding. I would recommend that everyone from CBT to DAS to IAM/ROSPA to higher than advanced riding to do at least one of these courses with Nick.
Fiona – Sept 2020

Just dropping you a note to thank you for organising the training day today & to Nick for a great day.
Despite what looked a bad weather day to start, turned out to be a drying day, but with many micro-climate areas, as well as one junction that looked more like a field it was covered in so much mud. Loads of miles, different roads & challenging situations so a great refresher & a great opportunity to try my new bike out.Nick was excellent throughout the day and I really enjoyed the ride around Sussex & Kent.
David – Sept 2020

Thanks Mick, great day, just what I needed.
Danny – Sept 2020

I would like to say what a great day I had. Nick was very clear in his instructions and made me feel relaxed and confident in every way.He certainly knows his job I would recommend him.
Nigel – Sept 2020

Thanks for a great day on some of the best roads this part of Essex has to offer. You have helped to polish my riding skills to keep me safe to ride for many years to come.
Gary – July 2020

Had a morning’s training with Andy Stroulger prior to my ROSPA retest. Found the morning very informative, thoroughly enjoyable and as I went on to achieve a gold pass, obviously very useful.
Brian – July 2020

Thanks for the feedback. Really enjoyed the ride out at the weekend and felt I got alot from it. I’ll keep working on the things outlined by Andy.
Nick – July 2020

As a Car Observer, I feel a responsibility to understand my own standard before I start teaching associates – so I like to do at least one course per year. I had a lovely ride with Nick today, although a road closure towards Finchingfield did not help navigational matters . It was certainly useful to follow Nick and absorb his commentary – certainly different to the IAM’s “Spoken Thoughts”! It was also fun to hear Nick in raptures at my overtake out of a junction.I have made a promise to myself to go out and practice some more commentary.On reflection, I got more out of Nick’s style of teaching than out of ………… Time will tell, as ever.
John – July 2020

I enjoyed the day and Phil was really good. lots of stuff to improve on but I have a basis now to do just that.
Kevin – June 2020

Thank you for today, brilliant training which I am most grateful for.
Geoff – June 2020

Many thanks for a great days refresher yesterday. First proper ride of the year and I was definitely rusty to start off with but with a bit of guidance from you quickly found my mojo. Mick, I know I’ve said this before but you are incredibly good at what you do, David & I always learn from these days and you have undoubtedly made me a much safer rider than I would otherwise be.
Roger – June 2020

Corporate Risk assessment feedback. Many thanks for your assessments, which have been an eye opener!
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your very professional and thorough service.
Contacta UK – Jan 2020

You have a great instructional style. It made learning really easy, my confidence has grown. It was really good watching and listening to how it should be done.
Andy – Jan 2020

I had an amazing day full of knowledge and skills to enhance my riding pleasure.
Andy – Dec 2019

I learnt a lot today and I felt like I’d really progressed by the end of the day. I now have to make sure I do it until it all becomes second nature!
Paul – Nov 2019

Regardless of the test outcome I feel you’ve taught me a riding style and attitude which I’ve been able to grasp and adopt much more easily than I could have through reading Roadcraft and conventional observed rides alone. Many thanks, I’ll be back for more next year.
Dan – Nov 2019

Had an awesome day yesterday and even got the rain that I wanted, albeit slightly heavier than we might have liked!
Chris – Sept 2019

Mick just dropping a quick line to say thanks for fitting me in at such short notice! Today highlighted to me how much progress I have made since we had our last session together and since I took up riding 2 years ago. I still use the stuff I’ve learnt from august 2018 even a year on and it was good to consolidate and brush up today with phil (please send him my thanks!).
Sameer – August 2019

Thanks again for the instruction today, I really got a lot from it and I felt my riding back home was of a much higher standard than at the start of the day.The feed back and photos are great and a good summary of what you taught me.
Phil- August 2019

Many thanks for that and for an excellent day. I will certainly be booking another day in the future and will highly recommend you. Just riding home was a completely different experience using the new knowledge I gained (did have a sore backside by then though).
Once again many thanks.
Darren – August 2019

Thanks for your acknowledgement of the improvement in my riding and I’ll return this complement in that my increased skill / knowledge is a reflection of the excellent tuition from yourself.
Andrew – July 2019

Thank you so much for this valuable feedback and also for such a well delivered and structured day. I got so much from it and will read and re read your appraisal which is so useful. The best analogy for the day was the long jump when describing the overtake – helps it make so much more sense
Samir – July 2019

A key difference between you and other advanced trainers is not just that you are obviously an excellent rider, but that you can communicate in a way that is both considerate and constructive. Perhaps that’s a police skill, but it is one that many people lack, and I do suspect it has an effect on the perception of advanced riding.
Dom – July 2019

First and foremost, thank you for a really well organised and executed
day. I thoroughly enjoyed the (Off Road Trials) circuit! The facebook photos are great – you got some good shots. Once again, thank you for a very enjoyable day.
Chris – June 2019

Just to say that Nick was an excellent teacher. I learnt so much from the day and am now much more confident and a much better rider. Will practise what he taught me and come back to you guys without hesitation in the future if I feel I need more help with something. I was saying to Nick that I think this one days 1-2-1 confidence building motorbike training should be made compulsory for new riders!!!!
Aless – June 2019

As always it was informative and I learnt a lot, while having an excellent days riding as well. I know rob also had a brilliant day and was on a high at the end of it. I know without doubt that what I learnt from you before has saved me on more than one occasion and I’m sure yesterday will further help. Without doubt you are the master.
David – June 2019

Just want to say a Big Thank you so much for an a absolutely amazing and enjoyable day on Friday.
I have never thought I could learn so much in one day about my self and my riding as i did on Friday and that is down to you Sir. (Yoda on wheels).
Rob – June 2019

Many thanks for today. It was not only enjoyable but first and foremost, life saving in content. I am very grateful for your instruction and the way in which the day was structured and delivered. Thoroughly professional and personable. I will be in touch to book a second day.
Mark – June 2019

Thank you Mick. Great day out training. Has made a difference already.
Rebecca – May 2019

Thanks for another great day thoroughly enjoyed it and the feedback totally invaluable to me.
I shall endeavour through practice to work on the highlighted areas and improve those.
Took so much away from the day. Your days always remind me why I enjoy and see the purpose of advanced riding.
Neale – April 2019

Fantastic days riding really enjoyed it and good to catch up again.
Gareth – March 2019

Just wanted too thank you Phil for the high level of training you provided me, over the last few weeks.
As you know my test was today, and I’m exceptionally proud to say I obtained a gold standard.
Simon – Dec 2018

Thank you for today. Have really enjoyed it, and feel I have learnt a lot. I shall carry on with what you have taught me! Hopefully will have another day in the new year.
Wendy – Nov 2018

Just to say we both agreed, Phil was brilliant. He identified faults and improvements in clear and concise approach. The best teacher by far we’ve had throughout our short biking journey.
Dave and Andrew – Nov 2018

I thought the day’s training was excellent; it taught me a lot that I had simply never heard of, and it has spurred me on to seek further training and gain an extra qualification in riding.
Thank you once again for a great day.
Gerry – Nov 2018

I really felt I gained a lot from it and it’s up to me now to build on what we covered. It was good to meet you as well. I thought the use of the radio commentary and the fact it was one on one worked very well. I would certainly recommend you to anyone looking to improve their motorcycling. Last but not least I had an absolute blast. I’m sure I’ll be back for more.
John – Oct 2018

Thanks for the feedback and a very enjoyable informative day yesterday.
I had my re test for IAM today and passed with a first so very happy , so thanks again.
Will be putting in for ROSPA shortly.
Dan – Sept 2018

I learned more yesterday about riding a motorcycle safely and progressively from Nick Brown, than any type if amateur instruction I’ve received in the past 25 years.
It was an awesome day. You are right, if you want to do something properly, get trained by a professional.
Nick – September 2018

Had a great day Mick and learned a lot. Just back from a quick spin to practice and consolidate all that I have learned. Amazing how much difference just one day of training has made to my gearbox control, cornering lines and hazard perception.
Sameer – August 2018

Thank you for organising such an amazing day. I have come away feeling more confident, a better understanding of general lines, control, where to look and speed. Real;ly, really appreciated. Phil’s commentary was amazing too. What a great day.
Greg – August 2018

Wow! What a fabulous day. Great tuition, great bikes and a great facility (Off Road)
I can’t believe how much effort you must have put into creating this fabulous course.
I’d definitely be up for repeat before the winter sets in.
Roger – July 2018

We had a day of advanced training after completing a bikesafe course. Went out with Phil Jones. Had a great day, very relaxed and informative day. After asking what we would like out of the day, we set of to achieve those aims. Came away understanding moving up, staying safe and to.complete the overtake. Thank you for a great day
Brian – June 2018

Phil Jones was patient and very professional throughout the day. He advised where help was required and in difficult conditions (very hot) remained an asset to your company.
Richard – June 2018

Lost my confidence re various reasons but today it came back big time
Why – Motivational, enjoyable, good training at a level and pace right for me
Learnt loads -Thank you. I now wish to work on what I learnt and improve, so booking again
Jane – May 2018

Firstly, let me say thank you for a great day. It exceeded expectations and learned so much in such a short space of time. The information was put over in a very concise manner, but also in a very relaxed and professional way
Mick – May 2018

Awesome day, learning how to ride; 100% credit to the teaching skills provided by Mick, I managed to change old habits, and enjoy my riding to the fullest. Thoroughly recommend Total Advanced Training to any rider no matter how experienced they are.
Craig – April 2018

Thanks a lot for all your feedback, it was a great experience and a very beneficial day. I enjoyed it very much.
Rolf – March 2018

My sincere thanks for the no pressure environment I cant overemphasise how much easier it is to learn and practice skills.
Steve – Nov 2017

Had a fantastic day (Off Road) can’t praise the days structure and confidence building course enough thanks for a great day.
Phil – Sept 2017

Thanks for your time again yesterday and for the constructive feedback as always. It was great riding with you again & I need to ensure I do this more regularly.
David – Sept 2017

Had such a great day with Mick (Off Road). Thank you for setting up a really good course. It is a great experience for any motorcyclist to learn a whole new set of skills.
Murray – Sept 2017

Just wanted to say, I had a fantastic day out with Nick, he was approachable & down to earth & a credit to Total Advanced Training.
Jacques – August 2017

Thank you for a brilliant time yesterday (Off Road) I really enjoyed it all.
I will definitely recommend it to the other riders. it is so much fun and it can benefit their on road riding
Alan – August 2017

What can I say beyond what I’m sure you’ve heard many many others say before – the total advanced training day I did with NiCk on Saturday was fantastic! I learnt so much whilst thoroughly enjoying myself. What a brilliant instructor/coach nick is as well as a thoroughly nice bloke. His running commentary through the headsets was nothing less than astonishing – how he can keep that focus up for so long I’ll never know. His manner and way of delivering feedback was very clear and specific and so easy to assimilate into my riding. He was very approachable and willing to respond to questions or requests for focus on a particular aspect of riding (for me initially it was positioning through urban areas that I needed clarity on). Whilst being highly constructive on his feedback, he was nevertheless very encouraging, supportive and positive. Far from being an anxiety provoking experience being watched by a pro, nicks presence in front or behind me on the road was very reassuring and confidence inspiring.
Adam – June 2017

Hi Mick. Gary and I would like to say a huge thank you to you for allowing us to be the first to experience your (off road) course. We did not realise that you could have so much fun going so slow! It was an absolute blast and we gained some bike control skills into the bargain. We will definitely be back for more and I would seriously recommend it as an alternative fun biking day out!
Roy – June 2017

Thank you Mick. Really appreciate you taking the time to help me with my riding. Your feedback is very helpful to me. I am sure I will be contacting you again in the future for further assessments as it’s always good for me to learn how to improve my riding.
Tracey – June 2017

I found the session today extremely useful, more so than Bikesafe due to feedback and extended time on the road. Having the earpiece allowed me to hear as well as see first hand what you were talking about. When you were spotting hazards you were looking at type of car, who was driving, where entrances may appear etc. Although Bikesafe covered some great points Im more of a visual learner so this session was brilliant to reinforce what was taught via road craft. I had also picked up a few things wrong so once corrected was able to ride much safer. I also liked some of the bike handling techniques you showed like more use of the rear brake and the counter steering technique for cornering easier.
Ian – June 2017

Just a quick note to thanks for all the feed back and for making the day so very enjoyable and informative, I found it all fantastic, a day to remember.
Trevor – May 2017

Nick brown gave us a great ride through the city .
Constant positive critique with informed guidance on how to gain safe progress and position in challenging riding situations .
Can’t recommend enough these rides to up-skill any rider
Phil – April 2017

Can I say that your commentary and explanations were very clear and informative. I think they were a key factor in bringing about the marked improvement in my riding.
Andy – April 2017

Nick is great – he puts you at ease straight away, and his skills are obvious. His feedback is spot on.  All-in, a really enjoyable day riding my bike with two guys, both of whom I learned something from.
Neil – April 2017

Thanks Mick we really enjoyed our training day. The route was a good mix of roads and the stops well timed. We felt completely at ease and the whole day was well planned for us. The rider to rider radio commentary was a real help, immediate assessment what could be better than that! Your written and verbal feedback on our individual rides is just what we wanted to get out of the day. It just goes to show you never stop learning.
Jacqui & Phil – March 2017

I can’t thank Mick enough for my first taste of advanced training which was a real eye opener. I came away with increased confidence and a foundation to build on which will make riding safer and more fun. Mick’s tuition centred on improving how a rider identifies and controls potential hazards. Things that most riders are already doing to some degree but taken to a much higher level and applied in a comprehensive and systematic way. Mick’s wealth of knowledge and experience was also communicated in a friendly, collaborative way by someone who clearly still loves riding and wants to share his skills.
Fred – Dec 2016

I highly recommend it to everyone no matter they’re previous experience in motorcycling. It’s invaluable experience and life saving information to be taken away, really opening my eyes to the vast amounts of information we can take from the road ahead and around us in general. Personally, from the day with yourself I found it awesome, in the sense that so much is not taught when learning to ride a motorcycle with the DVLA or such basic information is given, that when you learn about different types of riding and road positioning it makes a big difference as to how safe you are or have been. Becoming aware purely from lack of experience and information from the past, I learnt a huge amount, of what I should be looking for on the road, where and when I should be looking to change position and be willing to move over or to hold my position; in all given scenario’s having an escape route should the need arise. One of the biggest aspects I previously overlooked was profiling road users, both pedestrian and drivers. I look forward to practising and honing my skills, and learning furthermore as I go on.
Jas – Nov 2016

Recently spent a day training with Total Advanced Training. Utterly professional throughout from the good communications during the booking process, clear joining instructions, good venue, clear briefing and, most importantly, a no-pressure learning environment. I can honestly say that I learned more from his commentated demo-ride than any other training session I’ve ever participated in. This was followed by putting the demonstration into practice with good clear guidance throughout. If you’re looking for top-notch training with a positive attitude look no further.
Steve – Nov 2016

What a great day. Mick was fantastic with show me tell me. I got some fantastic tips on road positioning and why we should think of our safety first i.e what’s the biggest danger and put yourself in the best position to avoid.
Richard – Nov 2016

I had a fantastic couple of days with the bikesafe and advanced riding day, and genuinely feel my riding improved more in that time than it has in the few years previous. And it’s given me a renewed vigour to get out and ride more as well.
Mike – Nov 2016

Thanks again for the day, out of all the various courses and days’ training I’ve done I felt it to be the most productive yet. I’d not hesitate to come back for further training when I feel I’m ready to prepare for my RoSPA gold. Until then I’ll be practising what we went through on the day.
Owain – Nov 2016

I found my time with Nick to be hugely informative. He pointed out what I had picked up from Bikesafe in terms of lane positioning and was quick to compliment.I made a number of minor mistakes during the various rides and these were met with advice in how to correct going forward. At the end of the day I felt as if my riding had improved further, both in terms of safety and being “smooth”. Overall I would recommend the course to anyone wanting to improve their riding.
Josh – Oct 2016

What an excellent day’ As you know I have tried to maintain a good standard of riding over the last 25 years or so and in order to do this I have taken the help of a number of various training opportunities and I can say without hesitation the time spent with you was woth 10 times what it cost.
Peter – Oct 2016

I spent a day with Mick Jones of Total Advanced around the roads of Essex for a hugely valuable day, he had paired me up with a trainee who had similar ability which worked very well – each of us learning from observing each other. It was my first experience of using radio contact and I was pleasantly surprised at the value of having a running commentary from Mick on the ride whilst I was (a) following him, (b) following the other rider and (c) being followed. And of course it meant any directions and change of riding position became seamless and saved time. Mick organised the day with two stops at BMW Braintree (a bonus in my book), where we had some theory input, ate and got to find out more about each other. We had another drink break and a final feedback stop, but mostly we spent the bulk of the time riding and the radio contact that Mick was highly proficient at using (one way), aided learning in the moment and therefore we covered a great deal in our time. We ended the day with a short Rospa standard test ride, without radio link which was great to measure where my riding standard was after all the input. For me it has been one of the best motorcycle training days, and I have done a fair amount. I would highly recommend Total Advanced and particularly if like me, you love riding are open to learning and feedback and always want to raise your standard.
Sara – Sept 2016

Could you also please extend my thanks to Nick for making the day both incredibly informative and hugely enjoyable. He managed to strike the perfect balance between instruction and fun; while keeping it safe throughout. It was a really useful day and I’d strongly recommend it to everyone.
Eric – Sept 2016

The training on Saturday really enhanced what I had been taught on the FireBike day.
The commentary from Nick as he rode was a real eye-opener. It makes a world of difference as you can replay his thought process in your ride to make you aware of hazards you would not normally have identified. Also, the feedback when I rode in front help put these skills into practice. You could feel the improvements to your riding as the day went.As an instructor Nick was superb and used every opportunity to provide feedback and insight. We used a variety of roads which meant we were shown how different environments should alter driving style and perception. Nick didn’t miss a beat even when we came across unexpected road closures and used every minute to teach us something. I would recommend this course to anybody and honestly wish I had done this years ago. I’m not going to win any friends by saying this but how many lives would it save if it is was mandatory after passing your test?
Roger – Sept 2016

Mick’s training day highlighted issues that I didn’t even realised that existed in the first place. Correct positioning and how to read the road ahead are 2 of the vital things that I believe will make me a safer rider. Seeing a motorcycle accident on our route that day just highlighted the importance of more training
Paul – Sept 2016

We had a fantastic day out with Total Advanced today. Nick’s Bluetooth comms were crystal clear and had comfortable earpieces, Nick gave an excellent demo ride with commentary, and this, along with the feedback, meant that everything clicked for Nikki. I’ve never seen such a huge improvement over one day. Highly recommended.
Chris & Nikki – Sept 2016

A superb day’s training with Mick – great to see and hear a truly Advanced Rider show the way – his observation and forward planning is remarkable to observe. I picked up a lot from the experience and will be back for more.
Andy – Sept 2016

I am writing to thank you for highlighting areas I had not recognised in my riding, which had the potential to put me into un-savoury situations. I found the day both informative and of great practical benefit, especially the demonstrations by radio that you undertook, clearly outlining real time developing situations whilst out on the road. Your open approach to my questions and willingness to be patient in ensuring I and the other fellow on the course understood everything you had picked up, I found truly helpful and I shall look to continuously improve in developing my proactive hazard management skills. I cannot thank you enough in your efforts and I hope to take the opportunity in the future for further days out with Total Advanced training, so that I may continue to be safe and develop new ways to improve the safety of those bikers I tutor in Essex.
From my perspective, I feel that your partaking in working with the Essex local authorities is an absolute life saver for the bikers of Essex.
Jaques – August 2016

Thanks for a great day I really enjoyed it and learned a lot from it. I agree totally with your assessment, on the day I felt I had let myself down with the poor quality of my overtaking but I now realise that I have learned from it and you have given me the tools and knowledge to improve and stay safe so thank you once again.
Rob – August 2016

I really enjoyed the day and learnt a great deal.Nick Brown was also an excellent instructor.
Neil – August 2016

Most excellent day Nick Brown was awesome.
Reece – July 2016

Thanks Mick, for another great days training. As per usual great roads and variety of different riding scenarios through out the day.
Neil – June 2016

Three days of riding the highlands of Scotland , I can only thank Mick or some amazing advanced driving instruction over the last couple of years…. It’s only as you fly past other bikers you realise the skills taught can never be learnt from normal riding, thanks Mick ….. I never missed one corner !!!
Simon – June 2016

It was a very enjoyable day and your advice and feedback was spot on as usual.
Mark – May 2016

I really enjoyed yesterday and Nick was an excellent rider and trainer. Having completed both yesterday and Bike Safe I would have no problems in recommending other riders to try both – I think everyone can always improve their riding no matter what their level and I certainly learned a great deal.
Paul – May 2016

Thanks for such prompt feedback and pictures.I had a great day with you and learnt a lot.Thanks again for such a good day.
Robert – April 2016

Fantastic day out riding with Mick fine tuning our advanced riding skills and always learning more under his instruction
Steve – April 2016

Thanks for a great day’s riding, and for access to your knowledge and skills. I think today was my fourth session with you and that annual refresher at the beginning of the season is so useful.
John – April 2016

Had a great day ‘back to biking’. Gave me plenty to work on. thanks again.
Brian – March 2016

Thank you very much for the day, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I feel the course has helped greatly particularly with the gearing and positioning, which was a revelation. Be back in the summer.
Gareth – Jan 2016

I have been riding for a number of years and being a member of ROSPA felt that my skills was fair on  my bike. Learnt so much on the day and Total Advanced delivery of the training was second to none in my opinion.
Neil – Dec 2015

Thanks Mick, I learnt a massive amount today. Really good session and thoroughly recommended.
Jon – Nov 2015

Sincere thanks for a great , informative and instructional day, I have picked up on many items to work on and now have a far greater understanding of where and why advice has been given on areas for improvement.
The most professional training of any kind I have ever had and in a manner that builds confidence without “knocking” one current level of riding standard………………..exceptional.
Bob – Nov 2015

Following 30+ years of riding motorbikes, commuting, touring, track days and a bit of off road I’ve adopted some bad habits.
Mick is very professional and diligent in showing you your errors in a way that makes complete sense.
I can’t speak highly enough of Mick’s tuition, regardless of your level of riding everyone will benefit from a days riding with Total Advanced Training.
Thanks again from me and no doubt the wife who will be most pleased with my new riding style.
Jasen – Oct 2015

It was a great and very helpful experience for me and helped me improve my riding. Learning new things made me feel more safe on the road and the riding is more fun.
Thanks a lot.
Narcis – Oct 2015

Mick it was a pleasure to ride under your instruction. In any trade there is normal untrained practice , a trades person may have been doing this task proficiently for decades , much like my motorcycling but without professional tuition.Then you are given the opportunity to receive tuition by a master craftsman, not just a craftsman but one of the best of the best. The insight and experience that you brought to the day is just invaluable . The confidence and hands on knowledge, the calm but direct instruction coming over the headset and practical demonstration just elevate a persons riding.
We can all ride bikes, I’ve never had any major issues and I’ve ridden extensively in England a Europe but I learned plenty in a very short time.
I will strive to apply what I have learned to my every day ridding and make it second nature to adopt this professional style. I will certainly return and do more. It would have been great to have this 30 years ago when I started ridding !!
Never to late to learn . . .
Phil – Oct 2015

Thank you for today. Despite the fact I have been riding for some 40 odd years I learnt so much today. I found that my road positioning is much improved which is increasing my visibility and that enables me to see more of what’s going on around me. I have also found that it is actually putting me in a safer place and more out of harms way. I was also astonished at how much information I had been missing from reading the actual road itself. I can honestly say that I now look at the road in a completely different way. Without doubt today has made me more confident on the road. Safer and a much better rider who is pleased with what I have learnt. I honestly believe that all motorcyclists should undertake one of these courses. It would save a lot of lives. Again a huge thank you
David – Oct 2015

Today was great fun, I really feel a lot happier and confident on the bike which is brilliant.
Ben – Sept 2015

Thanks again for the two days training and feedback. Was a real pleasure and can’t tell you how useful it’s been.
Heinrich – Sept 2015

What a great day and I’m 1000% better for it !! Thank you for your time and patience. I will be back !!
Neil – August 2015

Thank you for for an outstanding day on Friday. I thoroughly enjoyed the day learning and developing the riding skills that hopefully make me a better and safer rider. The feedback was interesting/informative and thorough to help me focus on areas to improve. Your demonstration rides were excellent with the commentary in our ears of exactly what you were thinking, looking at, planning and doing.
Malcolm – July 2015

Just wanted to say thanks for a memorable day – thoroughly enjoyed it and got a lot from it.
John – July 2015

I really enjoyed yesterday and felt my riding had improved dramatically by the end of the day. Its interesting that with every training session one inches forward, learning new techniques and the tension eases and ride begins to flow more smoothly.Thank you very much for the enjoyable day, its as much about the company as the learning.
Alex – July 2015

Brilliant day. Been riding on and off for a tad under 50 years. It just goes to show you can teach an old dog new tricks!. Thank you
Geoff – July 2015

Thanks so much for the session yesterday, without doubt the most enjoyable day of riding I’ve had, Superb.
Stuart – July 2015

Thank you very much for an excellent day’s training. I had loads of fun and, more importantly, learned a lot. I’ll admit I was little surprised by your initial critique, I guess we all think we’re better than we really are. But I could see straight away what you were getting at, you put things across really well. It was great to discover that I could actually ride a lot better after your feedback and the hints and comments over the radio were really helpful. My Bike Safe day was really good in itself but this follow up day has really made a difference. Thanks again.
Rik – June 2015

Many thanks for the great training you provided. This was both instructive and enjoyable – it was certainly an eye opener and I can better appreciate the ‘proactive approach’. Meanwhile I’ll be taking on board your recommendations and plan to book a follow up session for you to check on progress. If anyone reading this is thinking about advanced training please go for for it, Mick is an excellent and patient trainer.
Bob – May 2015

I would like you to pass on our genuine thanks for the day.I thoroughly enjoyed the assessment and feedback, which I have to say I was extremely nervous about, but hey that made me more aware of my surroundings.Mick you are extremely professional in your teaching methods and really loved the way you tailored the day to cover two experienced riders and me.!
I would strongly advertise the fact to all my biker buddies to seriously consider doing this day and Bike Safe as I can honestly say it has made me a more aware safe rider.
Janet – May 2015

Many thanks to Mick for the best training day ever! the bike to bike communication made the training delivery seamless during riding sessions with demo rides providing an invaluable way of quickly learning road craft. This course has put me well on the way to my target of ROSPA gold and fully recommended this course to all bikers wishing to improve their riding skills.
Stuart – May 2015

A big thank you.I can’t emphasise how beneficial the ‘refresher’ was yesterday – I gained so much – thank you for your time, expertise and patience. I will be back next year!
John – March 2015

What a fantastic day, thanks so much Mick, your confidence and enthusiasm was infectious. I know I feel a much better more aware rider.
Russell – March 2015

A big big thank you for a fantastic day out back on two wheels after so many years, from the first cup of coffee this morning you made me feel so at ease and talking me through the basics gave me the confidence to listen and learn as the day unfolded.
Peter – Feb 2015

I can honestly say that the ride back from Maldon to my house was the first time I have really felt in complete control of the bike. I really think that was the best money I have ever spent in all the years I have been riding.
Grahame – Nov 2014

Thank you so much for a fantastic day once again I really enjoyed myself and your company. Your style of instruction is so clear and consistent, every time we go out I feel I learn so much from you.
Nigel – Oct 2014

I had an excellent two days and really enjoyed your company. You have a unique teaching style which reflects your experience and commitment. It is real pleasure to learn from you. I am delighted I made the journey from Liverpool to visit and found 2 days a perfect time frame.
Simon – Sept 2014

Just wanted to say thank you to Mick for a very intense but really useful day. Plenty of good feedback, now just need to absorb and process in my own time. Highly recommended.
Jack – July 2014

Thanks for the rapid feedback, always gratefully received. I find your style of instruction engaging and allows me to reflect in a productive fashion, thank you.
Paul – June 2014

I had such an amazing time, other instructors tried to teach me advanced riding, but I am considered a difficult student … somehow, you got me to understand what I’m supposed to do, managed to make me a significantly better and safer rider, and in the process gained a new friend as well. Well done Mick
Gabe – June 2014

Those few hours with you were worth their weight in gold. I needed to ride with someone that knew what they were doing and whose words I could trust. You fitted the bill perfectly, even if perhaps you were not aware of it! My confidence in my skills has been refreshed and my desire to improve them is renewed. That’s primarily down to you and so I say ‘thank you’.
Andrew – May 2014

Total Advanced training combined constructive input with a thoroughly professional approach to motorcycle road riding.I enjoyed the experience and know that demonstrating the” approach” will add to my overall pleasure gained from being
out on the bike.
Hamish – March 2014

Thank you for a enjoyable and informative day. I keep watching the video – its a great learning method.
John – March 2014

Thanks for a great experience…and thanks for the ‘photos and the written feedback which are a vivid reminder and a prized benchmark.We both really enjoyed the experience on the Essex roads. Thanks for the riding passion that you communicate so well.
Michael and Nadia – March 2014

Brilliant day out : thanks for the feedback and for the overall package:Amazing what 2 days of fairly intense coaching can do for your safety and skills: I knew as we went along the two days that I was improving every minute. I really like your training/coaching style, too. (and have gone through the video: really useful to see it from another perspective)Really good value.I know it’s a bit of a cliché, but training like that is the “best accessory you can buy for your bike”
George – Nov 2013

Thanks for all your expertise and patience-what a difference in my riding in such a short space of time. Its made it even more enjoyable..,definitely a life long addiction!
Sally – Nov 2013

Thanks so much you were very patient and a brilliant rider and teacher. I must confess I was nervous to start with but you gave me a lot of confidence and all you said and showed me was logical and sensible and in retrospect
obvious but needed pointing out! Your example of moving your head two inches in the cafe was a remarkable example of why it all clicked together
Before the morning, riding windy wet Essex rural roads would have filled me with dread but suddenly I had a plan and advice so it sort of came bit by bit! The balance of theory and practice was perfect and although there was a lot to learn you paced it well so it wasn’t overwhelming.
Damian – Sept 2013

A first class and very enjoyable day; great deal of high-quality information, all passed over in a friendly, highly professional and intelligible manner. Extreme value for money, given that some of these skills could mean the difference between life and death.
Steve – Sept 2013

Thank you very much for the feedback and suggestions. One of the most helpful things I’ve done all year: the passion and professionalism really comes across. Will take a month to practice on longer rides and then come back for the Rospa training.
Heinrich – August 2013

DVDs have arrived, very, very happy with them. This has to be some of the best money I have spent on biking! Thoroughly enjoyed the experience and putting into practice what I have picked up.
I have mentioned my experience on the bike forum that I frequent and you may have some more business soon.Thanks again for a superb and valuable service
James – June 2013

Had a safe and smoother ride home thanks to you.A great day and cant wait for the next one
Stephen – May 2013

Just coming back to you on the DVD. Have to say its really good to see what you see, it also reinforces what you were saying about positioning etc. I’d say its a must have, great picture quality to!
Peter – May 2013

Thanks again for making me feel very welcome and relaxed and creating a training environment in which I never felt pressurized. I appreciate the effort you put in to the structure and planning of the day around certain areas of concern for me . I found your instruction comprehensive and easy to follow enabling me to address my concerns and obtain a feeling of achievement in improving those areas. For me your feedback was delivered in a very professional, positive and encouraging way which enabled me to take on board what you said and improve my riding.
Neale – May 2013

Just a note to say many thanks for a fabulous day yesterday. As ever I learned loads and I’m sure I will have your voice in my head for the next 6 months.
Roger – May 2013

I really enjoyed the day and felt that I learned a great deal – plenty for me to put into practice; I thought that the practical and theory sides were both outstanding and really helped to bring on my knowledge and capabilities a great deal. I was not expecting so much from one day.
Peter – April 2013

Thanks for a great day. It was good to meet a real life super hero. My confidence has improved so much, there was a different person on my bike for the ride home.
Simon – March 2013

I am delighted to have been awarded the RoSPA Gold, but more than that I have thoroughly enjoyed each of my training days and have learnt something every time to improve my riding. The instruction and guidance you give has been of the highest quality and your style and demeanor are superb. You have encouraged me to ‘get it right’ and to be the best I can be when out riding.
Mick, I would recommend you to anyone wanting to improve their riding, whether that be through some refresher type training or a full RoSPA riding course. Bloody brilliant!
Andy – Feb 2013

Spend a day with Mick Jones, it could just save your life. Im not just saying that I thought I was an ok rider with 20 years experience having done thousands of miles including 2 years as a despatch rider in central London
But when I fell off in the Alps last year I realised that something wasnt right. I only clipped a wing mirror but it had me off, and on a hairpin bend with a sheer drop I was lucky not to slide down the mountain…the bike did fall but luckily caught round a tree a few feet down
Mick diagnosed my problem within the first hour out on the road. After his initial assessment of our riding (I went with a mate) he sat us down and went through the areas he thought we could improve on: he did this with charm and humour, 100% non judgmental. This disarmed us and allowed us to take on board what he was saying.
He went on to outline his advanced riding technique and how he does it, and we went out on the road and followed him. I expected him to ride like an old woman but having established that we dont like to hang around he was riding at a pace that I found quite challenging to keep up with! It was a brilliant example of fast paced but totally safe riding along with a running commentary as he did it over the radios including pointing out all the hazards hundreds of metres ahead before he got to them. It was amazing. Talk about multi-tasking…
Whatever your idea of the stereotypical copper, forget it. I was thinking all the usual things about him and I was frankly weary of turning up on my heavily modified TRX. I wondered if he might start by inspecting the bike and pointing out all things he didnt like about it. But Micks not like that at all. Hes totally human and humorous tells it how it is but in such a disarming manner that we just had fun the whole day.
I went along to learn how to be a better rider. I got much more I learned to ride faster but probably ten times more safely, and I had a brilliant day. Bargain.
Go for it.
Andrew – 2012

Thanks again for a great day, I will be advising some of my bike chums to consider your training course to.
Graham – Nov 2012

Thanks for the day out yesterday. The tuition and guidance were really useful in hopefully getting me ‘back on track’ after 18 months of only intermittent riding.
Paul – October 2012

Once again a fantastic day all round, both productive and enjoyable throughout.
Tim – Sept 2012

It has been a very productive day for me and I am indebted to you for all your efforts and kind encouragement.
Paul – August 2012

I put my name forward after attending my annual Essex bike safe day to do an Advanced motorcycle training with Mick Jones. My day started at boreham service MacDonalds where Mick introduced me To Mel Warren a serving Essex police officer who I have seen in and around Finchingfield but had never spoke to or meet before.
From the start Mel was straight talking and to the point I was told by her that she was going to make my Brain fry with all the info she was going give me throughout my days training (AND MEL DID).
The training from Mel was second to none Mel gave me loads of good pointers for my future motorcycle riding.I would recommend Total advanced motorcycle training to everyone
Clive – July 2012

I thought I’d just drop you a line to say thanks again for a truly great couple of days. I really enjoyed the training and feel I got so much out of it.
Dave – July 2012

Once again I want to thank you for making the training session so informative and enjoyable, I would recommend your training to anyone thinking of buying a bike old or young.
Paul – June 2012

Thanks for the input I found the day a great learning experience and I feel far more equipped to ride, I will at a later date be contacting you for some more training, thank you once again Mick. I will also recommend you to others.
Mark – June 2012

Thank you for you time and patience yesterday. I really enjoyed the experience and felt that I made some progress but with more to do
Andy – May 2012

What a fantastic day, but I think you were the inspiration. I just did what I was told!! Keep up your good work as it really does save lives.
Gary – April 2012

Thanks for the first class tuition which was delivered in a friendly and professional manner. The two days training was rewarding and extremely enjoyable and I will have no hesitation in recommending Total Advanced Training to other bikers
Terry – April 2012

Thank you so much for today and the excellent training I received. I feel so more confident than I was just 24 hours earlier.
Darren – March 2012

As usual, had a highly enjoyable and productive day.
Chris – March 2012

Just a quick note to say how much James and I enjoyed Saturdays session with Terry. Totally endorsed our view that this is the right thing to be doing
Jeff – March 2012

Thoroughly enjoyed the day, Terry was an excellent instructor. All in all I am really glad I attended both courses and would definitely recommend them .I found them very proactive and friendly and wish you all the best with future courses, as they will save life’s.
Steve – August 2011

Thank you again for Monday. I do think last night you saved my life due to a driver being half asleep and did not stop until well over the stop sign to my left. If I had not been in position 3 and looked well into the turning he would have hit me for sure. Even the wife has commented on how much smoother my car driving has become. Can’t wait for the next day.
Steve – August 2011

I can’t rate you highly enough, top man and top instructor.
Chris – July 2011

The day was excellent as I said at the time and the feedback is something that I will be able to refer back to. To say the training you gave me was good is a understatement. I feel like a new rider with lots more confidence.
Paul – June 2011

DVD received today, very useful to reiterate the training, the camera doesn’t lie and your commentary shows how much you observe!
It was a really worthwhile experience for me and I would like to thank you again.
David – April 2011

Many thanks for another great day out, thoroughly enjoyed it and its given me a really good understanding of the skills to work towards, I will definitely want to come back and progress further.
Martin – April 2011

Always a pleasure, had a fantastic day out in good company, and a lot gained from the day.
Tim – March 2011

Thank you for the feedback, it has been such a great experience and I am getting so much more from my riding. Thoroughly enjoyable and highly rewarding. I can’t thank you enough.
Stewart – Nov 2010

The simple fact is that what you have taught me in two days advanced
instruction may be instrumental in saving a life, quite possibly mine or
Anne’s. For that I shall never be able to thank you enough.
Malcolm – Oct 2010

Many thanks again Mick for a hugely rewarding experience. Being familiar with how challenging the art of demo with patter is, I found observing you fascinating and extremely impressive.
Stewart – Oct 2010

Thanks for a great day Sunday. I felt I gained a great amount from the day and my riding has definitely moved forward to a higher level. I think the day is put together in an excellent way which made understanding our errors and making improvements very easy.
Murray – August 2010

Many thanks for another fantastic day today. As ever I learnt loads from you and your words of wisdom are still ringing in my ears!
Roger – May 2010

Thanks for two great days of training, it has completely changed my view on advanced training, totally surprised how much of a buzz it can be and the benefits fantastic
Jimmy – May 2010

Like I told you, I have a lot of experience of advanced training from some of the best in the industry and you compare very well. I shall be recommending you
Nathan – March 2010

A huge thank you for this and for all your efforts and tuition thus far. You have not only given me your advice and vast experience but have sent my on the road confidence and awareness levels for both car and bike up several notches
Mark – September 2009

Am in the bendy b road borders of Scotland and have been putting counter-steering into practice. Amazing! Physics defying! Rapid!
Mark C – September 2009

Thank you for all you have done so far, it’s been a revelation to meet and ride with you in many ways and I am extremely grateful for all your help and patience
Mark – August 2009

Thanks again for yesterday, I really enjoyed it. The feedback was the cherry on the cake of a great day overall for me
Mark W – March 2009

Many thanks for yesterday, I learned an enormous amount and really enjoyed myself. You’re a natural teacher and it was a pleasure to meet you
Richard – September 2008

I just wanted to let you know that I thoroughly enjoyed the advanced course I’ve done today with Mick, I can honestly say its one of the best days biking I’ve ever had and I learned loads more than I expected to. Mick was a great instructor, couldn’t have asked for a nicer guy. Pass on my thanks when you speak to him
Darren – September 2008

Best money I’ve spent for a good while. Many thanks!
Clive – July 2008

Thanks for day out, it was thoroughly enjoyable. I had a great time. will tell everybody
Adrian H – March 2008

I had a great day, relaxed, informative and stress free. I’ll be in touch for another day out
Leigh – January 2008

Many thanks for the day’s tuition on Saturday. It is rare one meets a subject matter expert such as yourself. I found the whole day really good fun and very informative. I found the information and instruction you gave so informative.
Adrian C – November 2007

Just wanted to thank you once again for the training last Sunday. It was a really beneficial day and I felt I learnt so much in such a short space of time.
Cath – June 2007