Advanced Training
Advanced Training
We specialise in advanced training and have gained an excellent reputation which has attracted riders from all over the UK and Europe.
Pass Plus
Pass Plus
Congratulations on passing your test. Your training to date is focused on a standard necessary to pass your DSA test. From here on the focus changes.
Back To Biking
Back To Biking
Back to biking, or just wishing to increase your confidence we can tailor a course to meet your needs.
Training towards a Rospa / IAM riding qualification
Training towards a Rospa / IAM riding qualification
After an advanced qualification or coming up for a retest. With many of our instructors being examiners we are in a position of authority to help you.


Welcome Ian Burchell to our team of instructors.



Ian is currently an ERS trainer/assessor holding both IAM and RoSPA riding and training qualifications. He was a Met Police officer for 36 years. For the last 14 years of his policing, he served as a Traffic Patrol officer and in 2002 joined the motorcycle team presenting Bikesafe London to the public. Since retirement in 2012 he has been a Taxybike rider, a speed awareness and RIDE trainer and delivered shopping.

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